Sedentary Lifestyle in Fort Myers FL

Is Your Lifestyle Sedentary? …Change Before It's Too Late!!!
By Glen Schaffer, D.C., San Carlos Chiropractic
The current health of our nation is characterized as sedentary and obese! Illnesses are on the rise, our eating habits are terrible, we’re taking far too many medications and we see the disability rate on the increase. The top 10 health conditions cost our country over $500 billion annually!!! And most of these conditions are caused by our lifestyle!! If you have a sedentary lifestyle in Fort Myers FL San Carlos Chiropractic can help you rise beyond it to something better.
Getting Back to Better Health in Fort Myers FL
Back in the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy raised the standards for our nation in the area of physical fitness when he set up the President’s Council on Physical Fitness. Great progress was made, but that progress has been lost. We have now gone backward as a nation in the area of physical fitness and well-being.
As a chiropractor, I recommend and encourage an active lifestyle that includes a balance of activities and nutrition. Let me give you a few of the benefits of an active life: your overall well-being will improve, and back conditions tend to improve with activity, as do many other pains. Increasing your activity level and fitness have benefits for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, digestive conditions, and many conditions of the joints and muscles, just to mention a few. Overall healthcare costs, visits to physicians, need for medications and missing work also tend to decrease with an active lifestyle and regular exercise.
Are you ready to take on the fitness of our nation? Probably not, but you can start with you! The first step is to see your doctor and get a complete physical. That will give you a starting point. Your doctor should encourage you to have a healthy, natural, and active lifestyle. Changing your lifestyle could add years to your life. It most certainly will help you to feel better and enjoy more of the things you want to do. That same focus can then spread to other members of your family and maybe even some of your friends. That’s how we can start to turn the health of our nation around!! It starts with you!!
For more information on this topic and many others,
We look forward to serving you! San Carlos Chiropractic “Restoring Health to the Hurting”

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
San Carlos Chiropractic
19150 Acorn Rd #103
Fort Myers, FL 33967